23th March 2020

Business continuity during Covid-19 outbreak

Temporary shutdown.
Chiusura temporanea.

With reference to the restrictions decided by the Official Authorities in Italy for the containment of the Covid-19 outbreak we inform all the companies and partner in relation with our company that Bridgeport s.r.l. temporary shutdown until 13 April 2020.

The decision was taken also as an additional protection for co-workers and employees, despite the fact we have rigorously implemented all the actions recommended by the anti-contagion safety protocols.

We remark that we are continuously monitoring the situation. In case of changes of directives from the authorities, we will immediately update you.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but we are confident that our initiative will be fully understood by you.

Si informano tutte le aziende e collaboratori in rapporto con la ns. società che, come da disposizioni governative, Bridgeport s.r.l. rimarrà chiusa fino al giorno 13 aprile 2020.

Si sottolinea che verrà monitorata costantemente la situazione e le disposizioni a tale riguardo.

In caso di variazioni o cambiamenti delle direttive da parte degli organi competenti, sarà ns. cura aggiornarvi tempestivamente.

Certi della vostra comprensione.